Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mayor Bing CHANGES the educational discussion from one of conversation to an Actualized Imperative!


Changing Detroit schools imperative


he recent release of National Assessment of Edu cational Progress test scores revealed a long-known but largely overlooked fact: We are failing our students. Detroit public school students ranked
 the lowest in the country, with scores equal to what they would have been had they never stepped foot in the classroom.

Everyone has weighed in on
 how terrible this is, and of the broken and antiquated system the findings reflect. But the real discussion has yet to begin.

Where do we start to fix this?

To continue the discussion
 centered solely on finances is fruitless. While we know that funding is critical, it is not the only thing needed to ensure that our children are properly and adequately educated. We all share in the blame and in the responsibility to fix this catastrophic problem.

I am steadfastly committed to education in this city and have worked to support positive change for as much as my role allows. Supporting the return of Emergency Financial Manager Robert Bobb, helping to pass Proposal S and creating Safe Routes to School are a few ways I have been able to participate.

Yet, the challenges of our educational system require more — from me and everyone who has a vested interest in the future of our city, its residents and students. The solution lies with
 being able to put performance based measures in place, with a central point of accountability.

Other cities have done away with outdated oversight models and ineffective practices, and are realizing their educational potential with academic success.

Detroiters find ourselves at the bottom of the barrel, yet we still have two choices: We can take the path of inaction, continue to place blame, discuss, plan and meet about the problems, or move forward with the difficult but necessary changes to rebuild an educational system that works for every student.

While change is never easy, it is now imperative. We cannot afford to lose another child to our ignorance, arrogance or fear of something new and better.

Dave Bing is the mayor of Detroit.

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